The ExponentialFamilyDistribution
This page describes the philosophy and design concepts behind the ExponentialFamilyDistribution
interface. In a nutshell, the primary purpose of the ExponentialFamily
package is to provide a generic interface for an ExponentialFamilyDistribution
. It is beneficial to become familiar with the Wikipedia article on the exponential family before delving into the implementation details of this package.
In the context of the package, exponential family distributions are represented in the form:
\[f_X(x\mid\eta) = h(x) \cdot \exp\left[ \eta \cdot T(x) - A(\eta) \right]\]
is the base measure.T(x)
represents sufficient statistics.A(η)
stands for the log partition.η
denotes the natural parameters.
In the following discussion we also use the following convention
corresponds to the distribution's natural parameters in the natural parameter space.θ
corresponds to the distribution's mean parameters in the mean parameter space.
— TypeExponentialFamilyDistribution(::Type{T}, naturalparameters, conditioner, attributes)
structure represents a generic exponential family distribution in natural parameterization. Type T
can be either a distribution type (e.g. from the Distributions.jl
package) or a variate type (e.g. Univariate
). In the context of the package, exponential family distributions are represented in the form:
\[pₓ(x ∣ η) = h(x) ⋅ exp[ η ⋅ T(x) - A(η) ]\]
is the base measure.T(x)
represents sufficient statistics.A(η)
stands for the log partition.η
denotes the natural parameters.
For a given member of exponential family:
returns eithernothing
returns a positive a valued function.getsufficientstatistics
returns an iterable of functions such as [x, x^2] or [x, logx].getnaturalparameters
returns an iterable holding the values of the natural parameters.getlogpartition
return a function that depends on the naturalparameters and it ensures that the distribution is normalized to 1.getsupport
returns the set that the distribution is defined over. Could be real numbers, positive integers, 3d cube etc. Use ither the∈
operator or theinsupport()
function to check if a value belongs to the support.
The attributes
can be nothing
. In which case the package will try to derive the corresponding attributes from the type T
julia> ef = convert(ExponentialFamilyDistribution, Bernoulli(0.5))
julia> getsufficientstatistics(ef)
julia> ef = convert(ExponentialFamilyDistribution, Laplace(1.0, 0.5))
ExponentialFamily(Laplace, conditioned on 1.0)
julia> logpdf(ef, 4.0)
See also: getbasemeasure
, getsufficientstatistics
, getnaturalparameters
, getlogpartition
, getsupport
— TypeExponentialFamilyDistributionAttributes(basemeasure, sufficientstatistics, logpartition, support)
A structure to represent the attributes of an exponential family member.
: The basemeasure of the exponential family member.sufficientstatistics::S
: The sufficient statistics of the exponential family member.logpartition::L
: The log-partition (cumulant) of the exponential family
: The support of the exponential family member.
: The log of the basemeasure of the exponential family member.
See also: ExponentialFamilyDistribution
, getbasemeasure
, getsufficientstatistics
, getlogpartition
, getsupport
— Methodlogpdf(ef::ExponentialFamilyDistribution, x)
Evaluates and returns the log-density of the exponential family distribution for the input x
— Methodpdf(ef::ExponentialFamilyDistribution, x)
Evaluates and returns the probability density function of the exponential family distribution for the input x
— Methodcdf(ef::ExponentialFamilyDistribution{D}, x) where { D <: Distribution }
Evaluates and returns the cumulative distribution function of the exponential family distribution for the input x
— Functiongetnaturalparameters(::ExponentialFamilyDistribution)
Get the natural parameters of the exponential family distribution.
— Functiongetattributes(::ExponentialFamilyDistribution)
Returns iether the attributes of the exponential family member or nothing
See also: ExponentialFamilyDistributionAttributes
— Functiongetconditioner(::ExponentialFamilyDistribution)
Returns either the conditioner of the exponential family distribution or nothing
. conditioner
is a fixed parameter that is used to ensure that the distribution belongs to the exponential family.
— Functionisproper(::ExponentialFamilyDistribution)
Checks if the object of type ExponentialFamilyDistribution
is a proper distribution.
isproper([ space = NaturalParametersSpace() ], ::Type{T}, parameters, conditioner = nothing) where { T <: Distribution }
A specific verion of isproper
defined particularly for distribution types from Distributions.jl
package. Does not require an instance of the ExponentialFamilyDistribution
and can be called directly with a specific distribution type instead. Optionally, accepts the space
parameter, which defines the parameters space. For conditional exponential family distributions requires an extra conditioner
See also: NaturalParametersSpace
, MeanParametersSpace
— Functiongetbasemeasure(::ExponentialFamilyDistribution)
getbasemeasure(::Type{ <: Distribution }, [ conditioner ])
Returns the base measure function of the exponential family distribution.
— Functiongetlogbasemeasure(::Type{<:Distribution}, [ conditioner ])
A generic verion of getlogbasemeasure
defined particularly for distribution types from Distributions.jl
package. Just computes log of basemeasure.
getlogbasemeasure(::Type{<:Distribution}, [ conditioner ])
A generic verion of getbasemeasure
defined particularly for distribution types from Distributions.jl
package. For conditional exponential family distributions requires an extra conditioner
argument. Just computes log of basemeasure.
— Functiongetsufficientstatistics(::ExponentialFamilyDistribution)
getsufficientstatistics(::Type{ <: Distribution }, [ conditioner ])
Returns the list of sufficient statistics of the exponential family distribution.
— Functiongetlogpartition(::ExponentialFamilyDistribution)
getlogpartition([ space ], ::Type{ <: Distribution }, [ conditioner ])
Returns the log partition function of the exponential family distribution.
— Functiongetgradlogpartition([ space = NaturalParametersSpace() ], ::Type{T}, [ conditioner ]) where { T <: Distribution }
A specific verion of getgradlogpartition
defined particularly for distribution types from Distributions.jl
package. Does not require an instance of the ExponentialFamilyDistribution
and can be called directly with a specific distribution type instead. Optionally, accepts the space
parameter, which defines the parameters space. For conditional exponential family distributions requires an extra conditioner
— Functiongetfisherinformation(::ExponentialFamilyDistribution)
getfisherinformation([ space ], ::Type{ <: Distribution }, [ conditioner ])
Returns the function that computes the fisher information matrix of the exponential family distribution.
— Functiongetsupport(distribution_or_type)
Returns the support of the exponential family distribution.
— Functionbasemeasure(::ExponentialFamilyDistribution, x)
Returns the computed value of basemeasure
of the exponential family distribution at the point x
See also: getbasemeasure
— Functionlogbasemeasure(::ExponentialFamilyDistribution, x)
Returns the computed value of log(basemeasure)
of the exponential family distribution at the point x
See also basemeasure
— Functionsufficientstatistics(::ExponentialFamilyDistribution)
Returns the computed values of sufficientstatistics
of the exponential family distribution at the point x
— Functionlogpartition(::ExponentialFamilyDistribution, η)
Return the computed value of logpartition
of the exponential family distribution at the point η
. By default η = getnaturalparameters(ef)
See also: getlogpartition
— Functiongradlogpartition(::ExponentialFamilyDistribution, η)
Return the computed value of gradlogpartition
of the exponential family distribution at the point η
. By default η = getnaturalparameters(ef)
See also: getgradlogpartition
— Functionfisherinformation(distribution, η)
Return the computed value of fisherinformation
of the exponential family distribution at the point η
By default η = getnaturalparameters(ef)
See also: getfisherinformation
— Functionisbasemeasureconstant(something)
Returns either NonConstantBaseMeasure()
or ConstantBaseMeasure()
depending on if the base measure is a constant with respect to the natural parameters of something
or not. By default the package assumes that any base measure in a form of the Function
is not a constant. It, however, is not true for basemeasure that simply return a constant. In such cases the isbasemeasureconstant
must have a specific method.
See also: getbasemeasure
, basemeasure
— TypeA trait object representing that the base measure is constant.
— TypeA trait object representing that the base measure is not constant.
— Function_logpdf(ef::ExponentialFamilyDistribution, x)
Evaluates and returns the log-density of the exponential family distribution for the input x
This inner function dispatches to the appropriate version of _logpdf
based on the types of x
and ef
, utilizing the check_logpdf
function. The dispatch mechanism ensures that _logpdf
correctly handles the input x
, whether it is a single point or a container of points, according to the nature of the exponential family distribution and x
For instance, with a Univariate
distribution, _logpdf
evaluates the log-density for a single point if x
is a Number
, and for a container of points if x
is an AbstractVector
Evaluate the log-density of a Gamma distribution at a single point:
using ExponentialFamily, Distributions;
gamma = convert(ExponentialFamilyDistribution, Gamma(1, 1))
ExponentialFamily._logpdf(gamma, 1.0)
# output
Evaluate the log-density of a Gamma distribution at multiple points:
using ExponentialFamily, Distributions
gamma = convert(ExponentialFamilyDistribution, Gamma(1, 1))
ExponentialFamily._logpdf(gamma, [1, 2, 3])
# output
3-element Vector{Float64}:
For details on the dispatch mechanism of _logpdf
, refer to the check_logpdf
See also: check_logpdf
— Functioncheck_logpdf(variate_form, typeof(x), eltype(x), ef, x)
Determines an appropriate strategy of evaluation of _logpdf
or MapBasedLogpdfCall
) to use based on the types of x
and ef
. This function employs a dispatch mechanism that adapts to the input x
, whether it is a single point or a container of points, in accordance with the characteristics of the exponential family distribution (ef
) and the variate form of x
For a
distribution:- If
is aNumber
is invoked withPointBasedLogpdfCall()
. - If
is anAbstractVector
is invoked withMapBasedLogpdfCall()
- If
For a
distribution:- If
is anAbstractVector
is invoked withPointBasedLogpdfCall()
. - If
is anAbstractVector
is invoked withMapBasedLogpdfCall()
. - If
is anAbstractMatrix
is invoked withMapBasedLogpdfCall()
, transformingx
- If
For a
distribution:- If
is anAbstractMatrix
is invoked withPointBasedLogpdfCall()
. - If
is anAbstractVector
is invoked withMapBasedLogpdfCall()
- If
using ExponentialFamily
ExponentialFamily.check_logpdf(Univariate, typeof(1.0), eltype(1.0), Gamma(1, 1), 1.0)
# output
(ExponentialFamily.PointBasedLogpdfCall(), 1.0)
using ExponentialFamily
ExponentialFamily.check_logpdf(Univariate, typeof([1.0, 2.0, 3.0]), eltype([1.0, 2.0, 3.0]), Gamma(1, 1), [1.0, 2.0, 3.0])
# output
(ExponentialFamily.MapBasedLogpdfCall(), [1.0, 2.0, 3.0])
See also: _logpdf
— TypeA trait object, signifying that the _logpdf method should treat it second argument as one point from the distrubution domain.
— TypeA trait object, signifying that the _logpdf method should treat it second argument as a container of points from the distrubution domain.
Interfacing with Distributions Defined in the Distributions.jl
The Distributions.jl
package is a comprehensive library that defines a wide collection of standard distributions. The main objective of the Distributions
package is to offer a unified interface for evaluating likelihoods of various distributions, along with convenient sampling routines from these distributions. The ExponentialFamily
package provides a lightweight interface for a subset of the distributions defined in the Distributions
Conversion between Mean Parameters Space and Natural Parameters Space
The Distributions
package introduces the params
function, which allows the retrieval of parameters for different distributions. For example:
using Distributions, ExponentialFamily
distribution = Bernoulli(0.25)
tuple_of_θ = params(distribution)
These parameters are typically defined in what's known as the mean parameters space. However, the ExponentialFamilyDistribution
expects parameters to be in the natural parameters space. To facilitate conversion between these two representations, the ExponentialFamily
package provides two structures:
— TypeMeanToNatural(::Type{T})
Return the transformation function that maps the parameters in the mean parameters space to the natural parameters space for a distribution of type T
. The transformation function is of signature (params_in_mean_space, [ conditioner ]) -> params_in_natural_space
See also: NaturalToMean
, NaturalParametersSpace
, MeanParametersSpace
, getmapping
— TypeNaturalToMean(::Type{T})
Return the transformation function that maps the parameters in the natural parameters space to the mean parameters space for a distribution of type T
. The transformation function is of signature (params_in_natural_space, [ conditioner ]) -> params_in_mean_space
See also: MeanToNatural
, NaturalParametersSpace
, MeanParametersSpace
, getmapping
— Functiongetmapping(::Pair{L, R}, T)
Returns a transformation L -> R
between different parametrizations of a distribution of type T
See also: NaturalParametersSpace
, MeanParametersSpace
, NaturalToMean
, MeanToNatural
To convert from the mean parameters space to the corresponding natural parameters space, you can use the following code:
tuple_of_η = MeanToNatural(Bernoulli)(tuple_of_θ)
And to convert back:
tuple_of_θ = NaturalToMean(Bernoulli)(tuple_of_η)
Alternatuvely, the following API is supported
map(MeanParametersSpace() => NaturalParametersSpace(), Bernoulli, tuple_of_θ)
map(NaturalParametersSpace() => MeanParametersSpace(), Bernoulli, tuple_of_η)
While the ExponentialFamily
package employs the respective mappings where needed, it's also possible to call these functions manually. For instance, the generic implementation of the convert
function between ExponentialFamilyDistribution
and Distribution
is built in terms of MeanToNatural
and NaturalToMean
. Moreover, the convert
function performs checks to ensure that the provided parameters and conditioner are suitable for a specific distribution type.
— Methodisproper([ space = NaturalParametersSpace() ], ::Type{T}, parameters, conditioner = nothing) where { T <: Distribution }
A specific verion of isproper
defined particularly for distribution types from Distributions.jl
package. Does not require an instance of the ExponentialFamilyDistribution
and can be called directly with a specific distribution type instead. Optionally, accepts the space
parameter, which defines the parameters space. For conditional exponential family distributions requires an extra conditioner
See also: NaturalParametersSpace
, MeanParametersSpace
Note on the conditioned distributions
For the conditioned distributions, two additional functions separate_conditioner
and join_conditioner
are used to separate the conditioner and actual parameters returned from the Distributions.params
— Functionseparate_conditioner(::Type{T}, params) where {T <: Distribution}
Separates the conditioner argument from params
and returns a tuple of (conditioned_params, conditioner)
. By default returns (params, nothing)
but can be overwritten for certain distributions.
julia> (cparams, conditioner) = ExponentialFamily.separate_conditioner(Laplace, (0.0, 1.0))
((1.0,), 0.0)
julia> params = ExponentialFamily.join_conditioner(Laplace, cparams, conditioner)
(0.0, 1.0)
julia> Laplace(params...) == Laplace(0.0, 1.0)
See also: ExponentialFamily.join_conditioner
— Functionjoin_conditioner(::Type{T}, params, conditioner) where { T <: Distribution }
Joins the conditioner argument with the params
and returns a tuple of joined params, such that it can be used in a constructor of the T
julia> (cparams, conditioner) = ExponentialFamily.separate_conditioner(Laplace, (0.0, 1.0))
((1.0,), 0.0)
julia> params = ExponentialFamily.join_conditioner(Laplace, cparams, conditioner)
(0.0, 1.0)
julia> Laplace(params...) == Laplace(0.0, 1.0)
See also: ExponentialFamily.separate_conditioner
For example, Laplace
distribution defines the functions in the following way
# `params` are coming from the `Distribution.params(::Laplace)` and return (location, scale)
# The `location`, however is a fixed parameter in the exponential distribution representation of Laplace
# Hence, we return a tuple of tuple of actual parameter and the conditioner
function separate_conditioner(::Type{Laplace}, params)
location, scale = params
return ((scale, ), location)
# The `join_conditioner` must join the actual parameters and the conditioner in such a way, that it is compatible
# with the `Laplace` structure from the `Distributions.jl`. In Laplace, the location parameter goes first.
function join_conditioner(::Type{Laplace}, cparams, conditioner)
(scale, ) = cparams
location = conditioner
return (location, scale)
In general, all functions defined for the ExponentialFamilyDistribution
, such as getlogpartition
or getbasemeasure
accept an optional conditioner
parameter, which is assumed to be nothing
. Conditioned distribution implement the "conditioned" versions of such functions by explicitly requiring the conditioner
parameter, e.g.
getsufficientstatistics(Laplace, 1.0) # explicit `conditioner = 1.0`
Efficient packing of the natural parameters into a vectorized form
The ExponentialFamilyDistribution
type stores its natural parameters in a vectorized, or packed, format. This is done for the sake of efficiency and to enhance compatibility with autodiff packages like ForwardDiff
, which anticipate a single parameter vector. As a result, the tuple of natural parameters needs to be converted to its corresponding vectorized form and vice versa. To achieve this, the package provides the flatten_parameters
, pack_parameters
and unpack_parameters
— Functionflatten_parameters(::Type{T}, params::Tuple)
This function returns the parameters of a distribution of type T
in a flattened form without actually allocating the container.
— Functionpack_parameters([ space ], ::Type{T}, params::Tuple)
This function returns the parameters of a distribution of type T
in a vectorized (packed) form. For most of the distributions the packed versions are of the same structure in any parameters space. For some distributions, however, it is necessary to indicate the space
of the packaged parameters.
julia> ExponentialFamily.pack_parameters((1, [2.0, 3.0], [4.0 5.0 6.0; 7.0 8.0 9.0]))
9-element Vector{Float64}:
— Functionunpack_parameters([ space ], ::Type{T}, parameters)
This function "unpack" the vectorized form of the parameters in a tuple. For most of the distributions the packed parameters
are of the same structure in any parameters space. For some distributions, however, it is necessary to indicate the space
of the packaged parameters.
See also: MeanParametersSpace
, NaturalParametersSpace
These functions are not exported by default, but it's important to note that the ExponentialFamilyDistributions
type doesn't actually store the parameter tuple internally. Instead, the getnaturalparameters
function returns the corresponding vectorized (packed) form of the natural parameters. In general, only the ExponentialFamily.unpack_parameters
function must be implemented, as others could be implemented in a generic way.
Attributes of the exponential family distribution based on Distribution
The ExponentialFamilyDistribution{T} where { T <: Distribution }
type encompasses all fundamental attributes of the exponential family, including basemeasure
, logpartition
, sufficientstatistics
, and fisherinformation
. Furthermore, it's possible to retrieve the actual functions that compute these attributes. For instance, consider the following example:
basemeasure_of_bernoilli = getbasemeasure(Bernoulli)
— Methodisproper([ space = NaturalParametersSpace() ], ::Type{T}, parameters, conditioner = nothing) where { T <: Distribution }
A specific verion of isproper
defined particularly for distribution types from Distributions.jl
package. Does not require an instance of the ExponentialFamilyDistribution
and can be called directly with a specific distribution type instead. Optionally, accepts the space
parameter, which defines the parameters space. For conditional exponential family distributions requires an extra conditioner
See also: NaturalParametersSpace
, MeanParametersSpace
— Methodgetbasemeasure(::Type{<:Distribution}, [ conditioner ])
A specific verion of getbasemeasure
defined particularly for distribution types from Distributions.jl
package. Does not require an instance of the ExponentialFamilyDistribution
and can be called directly with a specific distribution type instead. For conditional exponential family distributions requires an extra conditioner
— Methodgetsufficientstatistics(::Type{<:Distribution}, [ conditioner ])
A specific verion of getsufficientstatistics
defined particularly for distribution types from Distributions.jl
package. Does not require an instance of the ExponentialFamilyDistribution
and can be called directly with a specific distribution type instead. For conditional exponential family distributions requires an extra conditioner
— Methodgetlogpartition([ space = NaturalParametersSpace() ], ::Type{T}, [ conditioner ]) where { T <: Distribution }
A specific verion of getlogpartition
defined particularly for distribution types from Distributions.jl
package. Does not require an instance of the ExponentialFamilyDistribution
and can be called directly with a specific distribution type instead. Optionally, accepts the space
parameter, which defines the parameters space. For conditional exponential family distributions requires an extra conditioner
See also: NaturalParametersSpace
, MeanParametersSpace
— Methodgetfisherinformation([ space = NaturalParametersSpace() ], ::Type{T}) where { T <: Distribution }
A specific verion of getfisherinformation
defined particularly for distribution types from Distributions.jl
package. Does not require an instance of the ExponentialFamilyDistribution
and can be called directly with a specific distribution type instead. Optionally, accepts the space
parameter, which defines the parameters space. For conditional exponential family distributions requires an extra conditioner
See also: NaturalParametersSpace
, MeanParametersSpace
Certain functions require knowledge about which parameter space is being used. By default, the NaturalParametersSpace
is assumed.
getlogpartition(Bernoulli) === getlogpartition(NaturalParametersSpace(), Bernoulli)
— TypeNaturalParametersSpace
Specifies the natural parameters space η
as the desired parameters space. Some functions (such as logpartition
or fisherinformation
) accept an additional space
parameter to disambiguate the desired parameters space. Use map(NaturalParametersSpace() => MeanParametersSpace(), T, parameters, conditioner)
to map the parameters
and the conditioner
of a distribution of type T
from the natural parametrization to the corresponding mean parametrization.
See also: MeanParametersSpace
, getmapping
, NaturalToMean
, MeanToNatural
— TypeMeanParametersSpace
Specifies the mean parameters space θ
as the desired parameters space. Some functions (such as logpartition
or fisherinformation
) accept an additional space
parameter to disambiguate the desired parameters space. Use map(MeanParametersSpace() => NaturalParametersSpace(), T, parameters, conditioner)
to map the parameters
and the conditioner
of a distribution of type T
from the mean parametrization to the corresponding natural parametrization.
See also: NaturalParametersSpace
, getmapping
, NaturalToMean
, MeanToNatural
The isbasemeasureconstant
function is defined for all supported distributions as well.
Extra defined distributions
The package defines a list of extra distributions for a purpose of more efficiency in different circumstances. The list is available here.