Continous transition node


The functional form of the ContinuousTransition node is given by: y ~ Normal(K(a) * x, W⁻¹)

This node transforms an m-dimensional vector x into an n-dimensional vector y via a linear (or nonlinear) transformation with a n×m-dimensional matrix A that is constructed from a vector a via a transformation K(a). ContinuousTransition node is primarily used in two regimes:

When no structure on A is specified:

transformation = a -> reshape(a, 2, 2)
a ~ MvNormalMeanCovariance(zeros(2), Diagonal(ones(2)))
y ~ ContinuousTransition(x, a, W) where {meta = CTMeta(transformation)}

When some structure if A is known:

transformation = a -> [cos(a[1]) -sin(a[1]); sin(a[1]) cos(a[1])]
a ~ MvNormalMeanCovariance(zeros(1), Diagonal(ones(1)))
y ~ ContinuousTransition(x, a, W) where {meta = CTMeta(transformation)}

To construct the matrix A, the elements of a are reshaped into A according to the transformation function provided in the meta. If you intend to use univariate Gaussian distributions, use it as a vector of length 1, e.g.a ~ MvNormalMeanCovariance([0.0], [1.;])`.

Check ContinuousTransitionMeta for more details on how to specify the transformation function that must return a matrix.

y ~ ContinuousTransition(x, a, W) where {meta = ContinuousTransitionMeta(transformation)}


  1. y - n-dimensional output of the ContinuousTransition node.
  2. x - m-dimensional input of the ContinuousTransition node.
  3. a - any-dimensional vector that casts into the matrix A.
  4. W - n×n-dimensional precision matrix used to soften the transition and perform variational message passing.

Note that you can set W to a fixed value or put a prior on it to control the amount of jitter.

The ContinuousTransition node support two factorizations:

  1. Mean-field factorization:
@constraints begin
    q(y, x, a, W) = q(y)q(x)q(a)q(W)
  1. Structured factorization:
@constraints begin
    q(y, x, a, W) = q(y, x)q(a)q(W)

ContinuousTransitionMeta is used as a metadata flag in ContinuousTransition to define the transformation function for constructing the matrix A from vector a.

ContinuousTransitionMeta requires a transformation function and the length of vector a, which acts as an expansion point for approximating the transformation linearly. If transformation appears to be linear, then no approximation is performed.


  • ContinuousTransitionMeta(transformation::Function, â::Vector{<:Real}): Constructs a ContinuousTransitionMeta struct with the transformation function and allocated basis vectors.


  • f: Represents the transformation function that transforms vector a into matrix A

The ContinuousTransitionMeta struct plays a pivotal role in defining how the vector a is transformed into the matrix A, thus influencing the behavior of the ContinuousTransition node.

`ctcompanion_matrix` casts a vector `a` into a matrix `A` by means of linearization of the transformation function `f` around the expansion point `a0`.