Flow node

See also Flow tutorial for a comprehensive guide on using flows in RxInfer.jl.


The PlanarFlow function is defined as

\[f({\bf{x}}) = {\bf{x}} + {\bf{u}} \tanh({\bf{w}}^\top {\bf{x}} + b)\]

with input and output dimension $D$. Here ${\bf{x}}\in \mathbb{R}^D$ represents the input of the function. Furthermore ${\bf{u}}\in \mathbb{R}^D$, ${\bf{w}}\in \mathbb{R}^D$ and $b\in\mathbb{R}$ represent the parameters of the function. The function contracts and expands the input space.

This function has been introduced in:

Rezende, Danilo, and Shakir Mohamed. "Variational inference with normalizing flows." International conference on machine learning. PMLR, 2015.


The RadialFlow function is defined as

\[f({\bf{x}}) = {\bf{x}} + \frac{\beta({bf{z}} - {\bf{z}}_0)}{\alpha + |{\bf{z}} - {\bf{z}}_0|}\]

with input and output dimension $D$. Here ${\bf{x}}\in \mathbb{R}^D$ represents the input of the function. Furthermore ${\bf{z}}_0\in \mathbb{R}^D$, $\alpha\in \mathbb{R}$ and $\beta\in\mathbb{R}$ represent the parameters of the function. The function contracts and expands the input space.

This function has been introduced in:

Rezende, Danilo, and Shakir Mohamed. "Variational inference with normalizing flows." International conference on machine learning. PMLR, 2015.


The FlowModel structure is the most generic type of Flow model, in which the layers are not constrained to be of a specific type. The FlowModel structure contains the input dimensionality and a tuple of layers and can be constructed as FlowModel( dim, (layer1, layer2, ...) ).

Note: this model can be specialized by constraining the types of layers. This potentially allows for more efficient specialized methods that can deal with specifics of these layers, such as triangular jacobian matrices.


The CompiledFlowModel structure is the most generic type of compiled Flow model, in which the layers are not constrained to be of a specific type. The FlowModel structure contains the input dimension and a tuple of compiled layers. Do not manually create a CompiledFlowModel! Instead create a FlowModel first and compile it with compile(model::FlowModel). This will make sure that all layers/mappings are configured with the proper dimensionality and with randomly sampled parameters. Alternatively, if you would like to pass your own parameters, call compile(model::FlowModel, params::Vector).

Note: this model can be specialized by constraining the types of layers. This potentially allows for more efficient specialized methods that can deal with specifics of these layers, such as triangular jacobian matrices.


compile() compiles a model by setting its parameters. It randomly sets parameter values in the layers and flows such that inference in the model can be obtained.

Input arguments

  • model::FlowModel - a model of which the dimensionality of its layers/flows has been initialized, but its parameters have not been set.

Return arguments

  • ::CompiledFlowModel - a compiled model with set parameters, such that it can be used for processing data.

compile(model::FlowModel, params::Vector) lets you initialize a model model with a vector of parameters params.

Input arguments

  • model::FlowModel - a model of which the dimensionality of its layers/flows has been initialized, but its parameters have not been set.
  • params::Vector - a vector of parameters with which the model should be compiled.

Return arguments

  • ::CompiledFlowModel - a compiled model with set parameters, such that it can be used for processing data.

The additive coupling layer specifies an invertible function ${\bf{y}} = g({\bf{x}})$ following the specific structure (for the mapping $g: \mathbb{R}^2 \rightarrow \mathbb{R}^2$):

\[ \begin{align} y_1 &= x_1 \\ y_2 &= x_2 + f(x_1) \end{align}\]

where $f(\cdot)$ denotes an arbitrary function with mapping $f: \mathbb{R} \rightarrow \mathbb{R}$. This function can be chosen arbitrarily complex. Non-linear functions (neural networks) are often chosen to model complex relationships. From the definition of the model, invertibility can be easily achieved as

\[ \begin{align} x_1 &= y_1 \\ x_2 &= y_2 - f(y_1) \end{align}\]

The current implementation only allows for the mapping $g: \mathbb{R}^2 \rightarrow \mathbb{R}^2$, although this layer can be generalized for arbitrary input dimensions.

AdditiveCouplingLayer(f <: AbstractCouplingFlow) creates the layer structure with function f.


f = PlanarFlow()
layer = AdditiveCouplingLayer(f)

This layer structure has been introduced in:

Dinh, Laurent, David Krueger, and Yoshua Bengio. "Nice: Non-linear independent components estimation." arXiv preprint arXiv:1410.8516 (2014).


The permutation layer specifies an invertible mapping ${\bf{y}} = g({\bf{x}}) = P{\bf{x}}$ where $P$ is a permutation matrix.


The FlowMeta structure contains the meta data of the Flow factor node. More specifically, it contains the model of the Flow factor node. The FlowMeta structure can be constructed as FlowMeta(model). Make sure that the flow model has been compiled.

The FlowMeta structure is required for the Flow factor node and can be included with the Flow node as: y ~ Flow(x) where { meta = FlowMeta(...) }
