An Actor is the most primitive unit of computation: it receives a message and performs a computation.
An actor is analogous to an object in an object-oriented languages. An object receives a message (a method call) and does something depending on which message it receives (the method we are calling). The main difference is that actors are completely isolated from each other, and they will never share memory. It’s also worth mentioning that an actor can maintain a private state that should never be changed directly by another actor.
For a quick introduction to Actor models, see this article.
The API of Rocket.jl's Actors is similar to RxJS subscribers.
First example
The following example implements an Actor that retains each received value from an Observable.
using Rocket
struct CustomKeepActor <: Actor{Int}
CustomKeepActor() = new(Vector{Int}())
Rocket.on_next!(actor::CustomKeepActor, data::Int) = push!(actor.values, data)
Rocket.on_error!(actor::CustomKeepActor, err) = error(err)
Rocket.on_complete!(actor::CustomKeepActor) = println("Completed!")
source = from([ 1, 2, 3 ])
keep_actor = CustomKeepActor()
subscribe!(source, keep_actor)
# Logs
# Completed!
# Logs
# [1, 2, 3]
An actor may be not interested in the values itself, but merely the completion of an event. In this case, Rocket.jl provides a CompletionActor
abstract type. See also NextActor
and ErrorActor
using Rocket
struct CompletionNotificationActor <: CompletionActor{Int} end
Rocket.on_complete!(::CompletionNotificationActor) = println("Completed!")
source = from([ 1, 2, 3 ])
subscribe!(source, CompletionNotificationActor());
# Logs
# Completed
It is also possible to use Julia's multiple dispatch feature and dispatch on type of the event
using Rocket
struct MyCustomActor <: NextActor{Any} end
Rocket.on_next!(::MyCustomActor, data::Int) = println("Int: $data")
Rocket.on_next!(::MyCustomActor, data::Float64) = println("Float64: $data")
Rocket.on_next!(::MyCustomActor, data) = println("Something else: $data")
source = from([ 1, 1.0, "string" ])
subscribe!(source, MyCustomActor());
# Logs
# Int: 1
# Float64: 1.0
# Something else: string
Lambda actor
For debugging purposes it may be convenient to work with a LambdaActor
. This provides an interface that defines callbacks for "next", "error" and "complete" events. But this generic actor does not allow to dispatch on the type of the event.
using Rocket
source = from([1, 2, 3])
subscribe!(source, lambda(
on_next = (d) -> println(d),
on_error = (e) -> error(e),
on_complete = () -> println("Completed")
# Logs
# 1
# 2
# 3
# Completed
Function actor
Sometimes it is convenient to pass only on_next
callback. Rocket.jl provides a FunctionActor
which automatically converts any function object passed in the subscribe!
function to a proper actor which listens only for data events, throws an exception on error event and ignores completion message.
using Rocket
source = from([1, 2, 3])
subscribe!(source, (d) -> println(d))
# Logs
# 1
# 2
# 3