Concat Observable
— Functionconcat(sources...)
concat(sources::S) where { S <: Tuple }
Combines multiple Observables to create an Observable which sequentially emits all values from given Observable and then moves on to the next. All values of each passed Observable merged into a single Observable, in order, in serial fashion.
: input sources
using Rocket
source1 = of(1)
source2 = of(2)
subscribe!(concat(source1, source2), logger())
# output
[LogActor] Data: 1
[LogActor] Data: 2
[LogActor] Completed
using Rocket
source1 = of(1) |> async()
source2 = of(2)
subscribe!(concat(source1, source2), logger())
# output
[LogActor] Data: 1
[LogActor] Data: 2
[LogActor] Completed
See also: Subscribable
, subscribe!