Count Operator
— Functioncount()
Creates a count operator, which counts the number of emissions on the source and emits that number when the source completes.
Stream of type <: Subscribable{Int}
using Rocket
source = from([ i for i in 1:42 ])
subscribe!(source |> count(), logger())
# output
[LogActor] Data: 42
[LogActor] Completed
See also: AbstractOperator
, RightTypedOperator
, ProxyObservable
, logger
transforms an Observable that emits values into an Observable that emits a single value that represents the number of values emitted by the source Observable. If the source Observable terminates with an error, count will pass this error notification along without emitting a value first. If the source Observable does not terminate at all, count will neither emit a value nor terminate.
Counts how many values source Observable have emitted before the complete event happened
using Rocket
source = from([ i for i in 1:42 ])
subscribe!(source |> count(), logger())
# output
[LogActor] Data: 42
[LogActor] Completed