Contributing to the examples

We welcome all possible contributors. This page details some of the guidelines that should be followed when adding a new example (in the examples/ folder) to this package.

In order to add a new example simply create a new Jupyter notebook with your experiments in the examples/"subcategory" folder. When creating a new example add a descriptive explanation of your experiments, model specification, inference constraints decisions and add appropriate results analysis. We expect examples to be readable for the general public and therefore highly value descriptive comments. If a submitted example only contains code, we will kindly request some changes to improve the readability.

After preparing the new example it is necessary to modify the examples/.meta.jl file.

  1. Make sure that the very first cell of the notebook contains ONLY # <title> in it and has the markdown cell type. This is important for generating links in our documentation.
  2. The path option must be set to a local path in a category sub-folder.
  3. The text in the description option will be used on the Examples page in the documentation.
  4. Set category = :hidden_examples to hide a certain example in the documentation (the example will be executed to ensure it runs without errors).
  5. Please do no use Overview as a name for the new example, the title Overview is reserved.
  6. Use the following template for equations, note that $$ and both \begin and \end commands are on the same line (check other examples if you are not sure). This is important, because otherwise formulas may not render correctly. Inline equations may use $...$ template.
      <latex equations here>
  1. When using equations, make sure not to follow the left-hand $$ or $ with a space, but instead directly start the equation, e.g. not $$ a + b $$, but $$a + b$$. For equations that are supposed to be on a separate line, make sure $$...$$ is preceded and followed by an empty line.
  2. Notebooks and plain Julia have different scoping rules for global variables. It may happen that the generation of your example fails due to an UndefVarError or other scoping issues. In these cases we recommend using let ... end blocks to enforce local scoping or use the global keyword to disambiguate the scoping rules, e.g.
variable = 0
for i in 1:10
    global variable = variable + i
  1. All examples must use and activate the local environment specified by Project.toml in the second cell (see 1.). Please have a look at the existing notebooks for an example on how to activate this local environment. If you need additional packages, you can add then to the (examples) project.
  2. All plots should be displayed automatically. In special cases, if needed, save figures in the ../pics/figure-name.ext format. Might be useful for saving gifs. Use ![](../pics/figure-name.ext) to display a static image.

Please avoid adding PyPlot in the (examples) project. Installing and building PyPlot dependencies takes several minutes on every CI run. Use Plots instead.


Use make examples to run all examples or make examples specific=MyNewCoolNotebook to run any notebook that includes MyNewCoolNotebook in its file name.