Meta Specification

RxInfer.jl utilizes the GraphPPL.jl package to construct a factor graph representing a probabilistic model, and then employs the ReactiveMP.jl package to conduct variational inference through message passing on this factor graph. Some factor nodes within the ReactiveMP.jl inference engine require an additional structure, known as meta-information. This meta-information can serve various purposes such as providing extra details to nodes, customizing the inference process, or adjusting how nodes compute outgoing messages. For example, the AR node, which models Auto-Regressive processes, needs to know the order of the AR process. Similarly, the GCV node (Gaussian Controlled Variance) requires an approximation method to handle non-conjugate relationships between its variables. To address these needs, RxInfer.jl utilizes the @meta macro from the GraphPPL.jl package to specify node-specific meta-information and contextual details.

Here, we only touch upon the basics of the @meta macro. For further details, please consult the official documentation of the GraphPPL.jl package.

General syntax

The @meta macro accepts either a regular Julia function or a single begin ... end block:

using RxInfer

struct MetaObject

@meta function create_meta(arg1, arg2)
    Normal(y, x) -> MetaObject(arg1, arg2)

my_meta = @meta begin
    Normal(y, x) -> MetaObject(1, 2)

In the first case, it returns a function that produces an object containing metadata when called. For instance, to specify meta for an AR node with an order of $5$, you can do the following:

@meta function ARmodel_meta(num_order)
    AR() -> ARMeta(Multivariate, num_order, ARsafe())

my_meta = ARmodel_meta(5)

In the second case, it directly provides the meta object. The same meta for the AR node can also be defined as follows:

num_order = 5

my_meta = @meta begin
    AR() -> ARMeta(Multivariate, num_order, ARsafe())

Both syntax variations provide the same meta specification and there is no preference given to one over the other.

Another example:

my_meta = @meta begin
    GCV(x, k, w) -> GCVMetadata(GaussHermiteCubature(20))

This meta specification indicates that for every GCV node in the model with x, k and w as connected variables should use the GCVMetadata(GaussHermiteCubature(20)) meta object.

You can have a list of as many meta specification entries as possible for different nodes:

my_meta = @meta begin
    GCV(x1, k1, w1) -> GCVMetadata(GaussHermiteCubature(20))
    AR() -> ARMeta(Multivariate, 5, ARsafe())

The meta-information object can be used in the infer function that accepts meta keyword argument:

inferred_result = infer(
    model = my_model(arguments...),
    data  = ...,
    meta  = my_meta,

Users can also specify metadata for nodes directly inside @model, without the need to use @meta. For example:

@model function my_model()

    y ~ AR(x, θ, γ) where { meta = ARMeta(Multivariate, 5, ARsafe()) }


If you add node-specific meta to your model this way, you do not need to use the meta keyword argument in the infer function.

Create your own meta

Although some nodes in RxInfer.jl already come with their own meta structure, users have the flexibility to define different meta structures for those nodes and also for custom ones. A meta structure is created by using the struct statement in Julia. For example, the following snippet of code illustrates how you can create your own meta structures for your custom node. This section provides a concrete example of how to create and use meta in RxInfer.jl. Suppose that we have the following Gaussian model:

\[\begin{aligned} x & \sim \mathrm{Normal}(2.5, 0.5)\\ y & \sim \mathrm{Normal}(2*x, 2.0) \end{aligned}\]

where $y$ is observable data and $x$ is a latent variable. In RxInfer.jl, the inference procedure for this model is well defined without the need of specifying any meta data for the Normal node.

using RxInfer

#create data
y_data = 4.0

#make model
@model function gaussian_model(y)
    x ~ NormalMeanVariance(2.5, 0.5)
    y ~ NormalMeanVariance(2*x, 2.)

#do inference
inference_result = infer(
    model = gaussian_model(),
    data = (y = y_data,)
Inference results:
  Posteriors       | available for (x)

However, let's say we would like to experiment with message update rules and define a new inference procedure by introducing a meta structure to the Normal node that always yields a message equal to Normal distribution with mean $m$ clamped between lower_limit and upper_limit for the outbound messages of the node. This is done as follows:

#create your new meta structure for Normal node
struct MetaConstrainedMeanNormal{T}
    lower_limit :: T
    upper_limit :: T

#define rules with meta for the Normal node
@rule NormalMeanVariance(:out, Marginalisation) (q_μ::Any, q_v::Any, meta::MetaConstrainedMeanNormal) = begin
    return NormalMeanVariance(clamp(mean(q_μ), meta.lower_limit, meta.upper_limit), mean(q_v))

@rule NormalMeanVariance(:μ, Marginalisation) (q_out::Any, q_v::Any, meta::MetaConstrainedMeanNormal) = begin
    return NormalMeanVariance(clamp(mean(q_out), meta.lower_limit, meta.upper_limit), mean(q_v))
#make model
@model function gaussian_model_with_meta(y)
    x ~ NormalMeanVariance(2.5, 0.5)
    y ~ NormalMeanVariance(2*x, 2.)

custom_meta = @meta begin
    NormalMeanVariance(y) -> MetaConstrainedMeanNormal(-2, 2)

#do inference
inference_result = infer(
    model = gaussian_model(),
    data = (y = y_data,),
    meta = custom_meta

println("Estimated mean for latent state `x` is ", mean(inference_result.posteriors[:x]), " with standard deviation ", std(inference_result.posteriors[:x]))
Estimated mean for latent state `x` is 1.75 with standard deviation 0.5

The above example is not mathematically correct. It is only used to show how we can work with @meta as well as how to create a meta structure for a node in RxInfer.jl.

Read more about the @meta macro in the official documentation of GraphPPL

Adding metadata to nodes in submodels

Similarly to the @constraints macro, the @meta macro exposes syntax to push metadata to nodes in submodels. With the for meta in submodel syntax we can apply metadata to nodes in submodels. For example, if we use the gaussian_model_with_meta mnodel in a larger model, we can write:

custom_meta = @meta begin
    for meta in gaussian_model_with_meta
        NormalMeanVariance(y) -> MetaConstrainedMeanNormal(-2, 2)
  Meta for submodel gaussian_model_with_meta = 
    NormalMeanVariance(y) -> Main.var"Main".MetaConstrainedMeanNormal{Int64}(-2, 2)