
This example was automatically generated from a Jupyter notebook in the RxInferExamples.jl repository.

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ODE Parameter Estimation

In this notebook we will explore how we can solve and learn the parameters of an ODE simultaneously using RxInfer. To illustrate how we can can utilize RxInfer, we will take Lotka-Volterra differential equation as an example. We will explore three different alternatives to parameter estimation. The first alternative will demonstrate how we can use free energy to obtain point estimates. The second alternative will demonstrate how we can use a prior distribution on the parameters to obtain a posterior estimate for the unknown parameters of the ODE. The second alternative will do parameter learning in two stages. The first stage will obtain the initialization for the prior hyper-parameters and then use these initial values of the prior to obtain the posterior by message passing. The third alternative will use purely message passing.

using RxInfer, Optim, LinearAlgebra, Plots, SeeToDee, StaticArrays

Introduction to Lotka-Volterra Equations

The Lotka-Volterra equations, are a pair of first-order nonlinear differential equations frequently used to describe the dynamics of biological systems in which two species interact: one as a predator and the other as prey. The equations are defined as follows:

Prey Population Dynamics: $\frac{dx}{dt} = \alpha x - \beta xy$

Predator Population Dynamics: $\frac{dy}{dt} = -\gamma y + \delta xy$

In this ODE, $x$ is the population of the prey (e.g., rabbits), $y$ is the population of the predator (e.g., foxes), $\alpha$ represents the maximum growth rate of the prey, $\beta$ is the rate of predation, $\gamma$ is the predator's per capita death rate and $\delta$ is the growth rate of the predator population based on the availability of prey.

function lotka_volterra(u, z, p, t)
    α, β, δ, γ = p[SA[1,2,3,4]]
    x, y = u[SA[1, 2]]
    du1 = α * x - β * x * y
    du2 = -δ * y + γ * x * y

    return [du1, du2]

The Runge-Kutta 4th Order (RK4) Method

The Runge-Kutta 4th order method is one of the most widely used numerical techniques for solving ordinary differential equations (ODEs). For a system of the form:

\[\frac{dx}{dt} = f(x, t)\]

where $x$ can be a scalar or vector-valued function, RK4 provides a numerical approximation with local truncation error of order $O(h^5)$ and global error of order $O(h^4)$.


Given the current state $x_n$ at time $t_n$, RK4 computes the state at $t_{n+1} = t_n + dt$ using four intermediate evaluations:

\[\begin{aligned} k_1 &= f(x_n, t_n) \\ k_2 &= f(x_n + \frac{dt}{2}k_1, t_n + \frac{dt}{2}) \\ k_3 &= f(x_n + \frac{dt}{2}k_2, t_n + \frac{dt}{2}) \\ k_4 &= f(x_n + dt\,k_3, t_n + dt) \end{aligned}\]

The solution is then advanced using a weighted average of these evaluations:

\[x_{n+1} = x_n + \frac{dt}{6}(k_1 + 2k_2 + 2k_3 + k_4)\]

For this implementation, we will use the SeeToDee package to define the RK4 method. This is necessary to create a non-linear deterministic node for the RxInfer model. SeeToDee package requires the dynamics function to be defined as f(x, u, θ, t), where u is the control input. Since we don't have any control input, we will set u = 0.

NOTE: There are many improved versions of solvers that can be more appropriate. For this simple problem though RK4 will be enough to convey the message. However, in practice for real world problems adaptive or implicit variants of solvers are preferred.

dt = 0.1 # sample_interval

function lotka_volterra_rk4(x, θ, t, dt)
    lotka_volterra_dynamics = SeeToDee.Rk4(lotka_volterra, dt)
    return lotka_volterra_dynamics(x, 0, θ, t)
lotka_volterra_rk4 (generic function with 1 method)

Data Generation

Lotka Volterra data is generated using the RK4 method. The data is then corrupted with noise to simulate real-world observations.

DISCLAIMER: Since Lotka-Volterra equations model prey and predator dynamics, adding a Gaussian noise is not realistic. Although adding other noise forms are possible it will complicate the inference process. Therefore, we will use Gaussian noise for instructive purposes.

function generate_data(θ; x = ones(2), t =0.0, dt = 0.001, n = 1000, v = 1)
    data = Vector{Vector{Float64}}(undef, n)
    ts = Vector{Float64}(undef, n)
    for i in 1:n
        data[i] = lotka_volterra_rk4(x, θ, t, dt)
        x = data[i]
        t += dt
        ts[i] = t
    noisy_data = map(data) do d
        noise = sqrt(v) * [randn(), randn()]
        d + noise
    return data, noisy_data, ts

noisev = 0.35
n = 10000
true_params = [1.0, 1.5, 3.0, 1.0]
data_long, noisy_data_long, ts_long = generate_data(true_params,dt = dt, n = n, v = noisev);

## We create a smaller dataset for the global parameter optimization. Utilizing the entire dataset for the global optimization will take too much time. 
n_train = 100
data = data_long[1:n_train]
noisy_data = noisy_data_long[1:n_train]
ts = ts_long[1:n_train];

Data Visualization

p = plot(layout=(2,1))
plot!(subplot=1, ts, [d[1] for d in data], label="True x₁", color=:blue)
plot!(subplot=1, ts, [d[1] for d in noisy_data], seriestype=:scatter, label="Noisy x₁", color=:blue, alpha=0.3, markersize=1.3)
plot!(subplot=2, ts, [d[2] for d in data], label="True x₂", color=:red)
plot!(subplot=2, ts, [d[2] for d in noisy_data], seriestype=:scatter, label="Noisy x₂", color=:red, alpha=0.3, markersize=1.3)
ylabel!(subplot=1, "Prey Population")
ylabel!(subplot=2, "Predator Population")

First Alternative: Global Parameter Optimization

In the first alternative we will construct one time-segment of Lotka-Volterra equation. We will use lotka_volterra_rk4 function to create non-linear node. This function was defined earlier to numerically solve the Lotka-Volterra equations using the 4th order Runge-Kutta method.

@model function lotka_volterra_model_without_prior(obs, mprev, Vprev, dt, t, θ)
    xprev ~ MvNormalMeanCovariance(mprev, Vprev)
    x     := lotka_volterra_rk4(xprev, θ, t, dt)
    obs   ~ MvNormalMeanCovariance(x,  noisev * diageye(length(mprev)))

Non-linear deterministic nodes require meta specification that will determine the type of message approximations to be used. In this case, we can use the Linearization method that will trigger an Extended Kalman Filter (EKF) type of approximation or the Unscented method that will trigger an Unscented Kalman Filter (UKF) type of approximation. Moreover, because we are using RxInfer in an online setting we need to specify how the mean and covariance of the Gaussian distribution will be updated. We do this by using the @autoupdates macro and initialize using the @initialization macro.

delta_meta = @meta begin
    lotka_volterra_rk4() ->  Linearization()

autoupdates_without_prior = @autoupdates begin
    mprev, Vprev= mean_cov(q(x))

@initialization function initialize_without_prior(mx, Vx)
    q(x) = MvNormalMeanCovariance(mx, Vx)

Free Energy Computation

We will now define the free energy function that will be minimized to infer the parameters of the model. Since the parameters of the model are not constrained to be positive, we will use the exp function to transform the parameters to the positive domain. We will set the free energy to true to keep track of the free energy values.

function compute_free_energy_without_prior(θ ; mx = ones(2), Vx = 1e-6 * diageye(2))
    θ = exp.(θ)
    result = infer(
        model = lotka_volterra_model_without_prior(dt = dt, θ = θ),
        data = (obs = noisy_data, t= ts),
        initialization = initialize_without_prior(mx, Vx),
        meta = delta_meta,
        autoupdates = autoupdates_without_prior,
        keephistory = length(noisy_data),
        free_energy = true
    return sum(result.free_energy_final_only_history)

Now we are ready to perform the parameter inference by minimizing the free energy function. We will use the optimize function from the Optim package to perform the optimization. We will use the NelderMead method as the optimizer as it doesn't require gradient information and is faster.

res_without_prior  = optimize(compute_free_energy_without_prior, zeros(4), NelderMead(), Optim.Options(show_trace = true, show_every = 300));
Iter     Function value    √(Σ(yᵢ-ȳ)²)/n 
------   --------------    --------------
     0     1.248315e+03     9.380631e+00
 * time: 8.082389831542969e-5
θ_minimizer_without_prior = exp.(res_without_prior.minimizer)
println("\nEstimated point mass valued parameters:")
for (i, (name, val)) in enumerate(zip(["α", "β", "γ", "δ"], θ_minimizer_without_prior))
    println(" * $name: $(round(val, digits=3))")

println("\nActual parameters used to generate data:")
for (i, (name, val)) in enumerate(zip(["α", "β", "γ", "δ"], true_params))
    println(" * $name: $(round(val, digits=3))")
Estimated point mass valued parameters:
 * α: 0.997
 * β: 1.487
 * γ: 3.024
 * δ: 1.001

Actual parameters used to generate data:
 * α: 1.0
 * β: 1.5
 * γ: 3.0
 * δ: 1.0

Second Alternative: RxInfer Model with Prior on the Parameters

We will now define the corresponding RxInfer model with the prior distribution on the parameters. For this, we will use the @model macro to create a time segment for the ODE using the deterministic ODE solver lotka_volterra_rk4 as a non-linear node in the RxInfer model. For the prior distribution of the parameters, we will use a multivariate Gaussian distribution with mean and covariance that will be initialized using the initialize macro.

@model function lotka_volterra_model(obs, mprev, Vprev, dt, t, mθ, Vθ)
    θ     ~ MvNormalMeanCovariance(mθ, Vθ)
    xprev ~ MvNormalMeanCovariance(mprev, Vprev)
    x     := lotka_volterra_rk4(xprev, θ, t, dt)
    obs   ~ MvNormalMeanCovariance(x,  noisev * diageye(length(mprev)))
autoupdates = @autoupdates begin
    mprev, Vprev= mean_cov(q(x))
    mθ, Vθ = mean_cov(q(θ))

@initialization function initialize(mx, Vx, mθ, Vθ)
    q(x) = MvNormalMeanCovariance(mx, Vx)
    q(θ) = MvNormalMeanCovariance(mθ, Vθ)

Prior Initialization by means of Free Energy Minimization

We will now define the free energy function that will be minimized to infer the initial hyper-parameters of the prior distribution. Since we have 4 parameters, we will initialize the mean of the prior distribution with 4 elements and the diagonal elements of the covariance matrix. Again, we will use the exp function to transform the parameters to the positive domain.

function compute_free_energy(θ ; mx = ones(2), Vx = 1e-6 * diageye(2))
    θ = exp.(θ)
    mθ = θ[1:4]
    Vθ = Diagonal(θ[5:end])
    result = infer(
        model = lotka_volterra_model(dt = dt,),
        data = (obs = noisy_data, t = ts),
        initialization = initialize(mx, Vx, mθ, Vθ),
        meta = delta_meta,
        autoupdates = autoupdates,
        keephistory = length(noisy_data),
        free_energy = true
    return sum(result.free_energy_final_only_history)

Parameter Inference

We will now perform the parameter inference by minimizing the free energy function. We will use the optimize function from the Optim package to perform the optimization. We will use the NelderMead method as the optimizer as it doesn't require gradient information and is faster.

res = optimize(compute_free_energy, [zeros(4); 0.1ones(4)], NelderMead(), Optim.Options(show_trace = true, show_every = 300));
Iter     Function value    √(Σ(yᵢ-ȳ)²)/n 
------   --------------    --------------
     0     8.272532e+02     2.357266e+01
 * time: 7.200241088867188e-5
   300     2.603597e+02     1.345373e-02
 * time: 4.3445940017700195
   600     2.594264e+02     1.933644e-02
 * time: 8.874883890151978
   900     2.592368e+02     2.016494e-07
 * time: 13.335433959960938
θ_minimizer = exp.(res.minimizer)
mθ_init = θ_minimizer[1:4]
Vθ_init = Diagonal(θ_minimizer[5:end])

println("\nEstimated initialization parameters for the prior distribution:")
for (i, (name, val, var)) in enumerate(zip(["α", "β", "γ", "δ"], mθ_init, θ_minimizer[5:8]))
    println(" * $name: $(round(val, digits=3)) ± $(round(sqrt(var), digits=3))")

println("\nActual parameters used to generate data:")
for (i, (name, val)) in enumerate(zip(["α", "β", "γ", "δ"], true_params))
    println(" * $name: $(round(val, digits=3))")
Estimated initialization parameters for the prior distribution:
 * α: 2.885 ± 1.354
 * β: 2.626 ± 2.262
 * γ: 1.983 ± 1.732
 * δ: 1.107 ± 0.379

Actual parameters used to generate data:
 * α: 1.0
 * β: 1.5
 * γ: 3.0
 * δ: 1.0

Having estimated the initial hyper-parameters of the prior distribution, we can now perform the parameter inference by online message passing. We will use the infer function to perform the inference.

result = infer(
    model = lotka_volterra_model(dt = dt,),
    data = (obs = noisy_data_long, t= ts_long),
    initialization = initialize(ones(2), 1e-6 * diageye(2), mθ_init, Vθ_init),
    meta = delta_meta,
    autoupdates = autoupdates,
    keephistory = length(noisy_data_long),
    free_energy = true
mθ_posterior = mean.(result.history[:θ])
Vθ_posterior = var.(result.history[:θ])

p = plot(layout=(4,1), size=(800,1000), legend=:right)

param_names = ["α", "β", "γ", "δ"]

for i in 1:4
    means = [m[i] for m in mθ_posterior]
    stds = [2sqrt(v[i]) for v in Vθ_posterior]
    plot!(p[i], means, ribbon=stds, label="Posterior", subplot=i)
    hline!(p[i], [true_params[i]], label="True value", linestyle=:dash, color=:red, subplot=i)
    title!(p[i], param_names[i], subplot=i)
    if i == 4 
        xlabel!(p[i], "Time step", subplot=i)

# Place legend at top right for all subplots
plot!(p, legend=:topright)

final_means = last(mθ_posterior)
final_vars = last(Vθ_posterior)
final_stds = sqrt.(final_vars)

# Print results
println("\nFinal Parameter Estimates:")
for (param, mean, std) in zip(param_names, final_means, final_stds)
    println("$param: $mean ± $(std)")

# Get final covariance matrix
final_cov = cov(last(result.history[:θ]))
println("\nFinal Parameter Covariance Matrix:")
Final Parameter Estimates:
α: 1.0163766808898507 ± 0.02335116917517044
β: 1.4903907481450696 ± 0.02758347263919674
γ: 2.9383350269747397 ± 0.12224293041965287
δ: 0.9808239323460162 ± 0.032957759300907545

Final Parameter Covariance Matrix:
4×4 Matrix{Float64}:
 0.000545277   0.000419042   8.77931e-5   3.9165e-5
 0.000419042   0.000760848  -8.14101e-5  -5.21812e-5
 8.77931e-5   -8.14101e-5    0.0149433    0.00352078
 3.9165e-5    -5.21812e-5    0.00352078   0.00108621

from = 1
skip = 1        
to = 500

# Get state estimates and variances
mx = mean.(result.history[:x])
Vx = var.(result.history[:x])

# Plot state estimates with uncertainty bands
p1 = plot(ts_long[from:skip:to] , getindex.(mx, 1)[from:skip:to], ribbon=2*sqrt.(getindex.(Vx, 1)[from:skip:to]), 
          label="Prey estimate", legend=:topright)
scatter!(p1, ts_long[from:skip:to], getindex.(noisy_data_long, 1)[from:skip:to], label="Noisy prey observations", alpha=0.5,ms=1)
plot!(p1, ts_long[from:skip:to], getindex.(data_long, 1)[from:skip:to], label="True prey", linestyle=:dash)
title!(p1, "Prey Population")

p2 = plot(ts_long[from:skip:to], getindex.(mx, 2)[from:skip:to], ribbon=2*sqrt.(getindex.(Vx, 2)[from:skip:to]), 
          label="Predator estimate", legend=:topright)
scatter!(p2, ts_long[from:skip:to], getindex.(noisy_data_long, 2)[from:skip:to], label="Noisy predator observations", alpha=0.5, ms=1)
plot!(p2, ts_long[from:skip:to], getindex.(data_long, 2)[from:skip:to] , label="True predator", linestyle=:dash)
title!(p2, "Predator Population")

plot(p1, p2, layout=(2,1), size=(1000,600))

Third Alternative: RxInfer Model with Exponential Transformation on the Parameters

So far we have used the exp function to transform the parameters to the positive domain and computed free energy. This transformation was done outside of @model macro. In this approach, we will use the exp function to transform the parameters to the positive domain but within the @model macro. We will then use the Unscented method to approximate the non-linear deterministic node. This approach is more computationally efficient than the previous one, however it may suffer from accuracy issues as we may not have a good hyper-parameter initialization.

NOTE: We can not use exp.() inside the @model macro as the model macro doesn't support broadcasting yet. So we need to define a function that will apply the exp function to the parameters.

expf(θ) = exp.(θ) ## This function is used to apply the exp function to the parameters within the @model macro

@model function lotka_volterra_model2(obs, mprev, Vprev, dt, t, mθ, Vθ)
    θ     ~ MvNormalMeanCovariance(mθ, Vθ)
    xprev ~ MvNormalMeanCovariance(mprev, Vprev)
    θ_exp := expf(θ)
    x     := lotka_volterra_rk4(xprev, θ_exp, t, dt)
    obs   ~ MvNormalMeanCovariance(x,  noisev * diageye(length(mprev)))

delta_meta2 = @meta begin
    lotka_volterra_rk4() ->  Unscented()
    expf() ->  Unscented()

autoupdates2 = @autoupdates begin
    mprev, Vprev= mean_cov(q(x))
    mθ, Vθ = mean_cov(q(θ))

@initialization function initialize2(mx, Vx, mθ, Vθ)
    q(x) = MvNormalMeanCovariance(mx, Vx)
    q(θ) = MvNormalMeanCovariance(mθ, Vθ)

result2  = infer(
    model = lotka_volterra_model2(dt = dt,),
    data = (obs = noisy_data_long, t= ts_long),
    initialization = initialize2(ones(2),  1e-6diageye(2), zeros(4), 0.1*diageye(4)),
    meta = delta_meta2,
    autoupdates = autoupdates2,
    keephistory = length(noisy_data_long),
    free_energy = true
  Posteriors stream    | enabled for (θ_exp, θ, xprev, x)
  Free Energy stream   | enabled
  Posteriors history   | available for (θ_exp, θ, xprev, x)
  Free Energy history  | available
  Enabled events       | [  ]
mθ_exp =  mean.(result2.history[:θ_exp])
Vθ_exp = var.(result2.history[:θ_exp])

# Plot the inferred parameters with uncertainty
p1 = plot(ts_long, getindex.(mθ_exp, 1), ribbon=2*sqrt.(getindex.(Vθ_exp, 1)), label="α", legend=:topright)
plot!(p1, ts_long, fill(true_params[1], length(ts_long)), label="True α", linestyle=:dash)
title!(p1, "Parameter α")

p2 = plot(ts_long, getindex.(mθ_exp, 2), ribbon=2*sqrt.(getindex.(Vθ_exp, 2)), label="β", legend=:topright)
plot!(p2, ts_long, fill(true_params[2], length(ts_long)), label="True β", linestyle=:dash)
title!(p2, "Parameter β")

p3 = plot(ts_long, getindex.(mθ_exp, 3), ribbon=2*sqrt.(getindex.(Vθ_exp, 3)), label="γ", legend=:topright)
plot!(p3, ts_long, fill(true_params[3], length(ts_long)), label="True γ", linestyle=:dash)
title!(p3, "Parameter γ")

p4 = plot(ts_long, getindex.(mθ_exp, 4), ribbon=2*sqrt.(getindex.(Vθ_exp, 4)), label="δ", legend=:topright)
plot!(p4, ts_long, fill(true_params[4], length(ts_long)), label="True δ", linestyle=:dash)
title!(p4, "Parameter δ")

plot(p1, p2, p3, p4, layout=(4,1), size=(1000,800))

# Print final parameter estimates and covariance
final_means = last(mθ_exp)
final_vars = last(Vθ_exp)
final_stds = sqrt.(final_vars)

# Print results
println("\nFinal Parameter Estimates:")
for (param, mean, std) in zip(param_names, final_means, final_stds)
    println("$param: $mean ± $(std)")

println("\nFinal parameter covariance matrix:")
Final Parameter Estimates:
α: 1.110013264169103 ± 0.02413859386013437
β: 1.5318581170209962 ± 0.027491509903883746
γ: 2.6913506230824287 ± 0.118443665729932
δ: 0.8942037057892637 ± 0.031758492981149695

Final parameter covariance matrix:
4×4 Matrix{Float64}:
 0.000582672   0.00046929    8.59459e-5   3.97041e-5
 0.00046929    0.000755783  -8.50562e-5  -6.07285e-5
 8.59459e-5   -8.50562e-5    0.0140289    0.00326134
 3.97041e-5   -6.07285e-5    0.00326134   0.0010086

# Get state estimates and variances
mx = mean.(result2.history[:x])
Vx = var.(result2.history[:x])

# Plot state estimates with uncertainty bands
p1 = plot(ts_long[from:skip:to] , getindex.(mx, 1)[from:skip:to], ribbon=2*sqrt.(getindex.(Vx, 1)[from:skip:to]), 
          label="Prey estimate", legend=:topright)
scatter!(p1, ts_long[from:skip:to], getindex.(noisy_data_long, 1)[from:skip:to], label="Noisy prey observations", alpha=0.5,ms=1)
plot!(p1, ts_long[from:skip:to], getindex.(data_long, 1)[from:skip:to], label="True prey", linestyle=:dash)
title!(p1, "Prey Population")

p2 = plot(ts_long[from:skip:to], getindex.(mx, 2)[from:skip:to], ribbon=2*sqrt.(getindex.(Vx, 2)[from:skip:to]), 
          label="Predator estimate", legend=:topright)
scatter!(p2, ts_long[from:skip:to], getindex.(noisy_data_long, 2)[from:skip:to], label="Noisy predator observations", alpha=0.5, ms=1)
plot!(p2, ts_long[from:skip:to], getindex.(data_long, 2)[from:skip:to] , label="True predator", linestyle=:dash)
title!(p2, "Predator Population")

plot(p1, p2, layout=(2,1), size=(1000,600))


This example was automatically generated from a Jupyter notebook in the RxInferExamples.jl repository.

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