
ReplaySubject(::Type{D}, size::Int) where D
ReplaySubject(::Type{D}, size::Int, factory::F) where { D, F <: AbstractSubjectFactory }
ReplaySubject(::Type{D}, size::Int, subject::S) where { D, S }

A variant of Subject that "replays" or emits old values to new subscribers. It buffers a set number of values and will emit those values immediately to any new subscribers in addition to emitting new values to existing subscribers.

See also: ReplaySubjectFactory, Subject, SubjectFactory



A ReplaySubject is similar to a BehaviorSubject in that it can send old values to new subscribers, but it can also record a part of the Observable execution.


A ReplaySubject records multiple values from the Observable execution and replays them to new subscribers.


When creating a ReplaySubject, you can specify how many values to replay:

using Rocket

subject = ReplaySubject(Int, 3) # buffer 3 values for new subscribers

subscription1 = subscribe!(subject, logger("1"))

next!(subject, 1)
next!(subject, 2)
next!(subject, 3)
next!(subject, 4)

subscription2 = subscribe!(subject, logger("2"))

next!(subject, 5)


// Logs
// [1] Data: 1
// [1] Data: 2
// [1] Data: 3
// [1] Data: 4
// [2] Data: 2
// [2] Data: 3
// [2] Data: 4
// [1] Data: 5
// [2] Data: 5